- Portatīvie datori un aksesuāri
- Portatīvie datori
- Portatīvo datoru adapteri
- Portatīvo datoru akumulatori
- Portatīvā datora statīvi un dzesēšana
- Klēpjdatoru dokstacijas
- Portatīvo datoru aksesuāri
- Tīrīšana un apkope
- Portatīvo datoru somas
- Klēpjdatora piedurknes
- Klēpjdatoru daļas
- Klēpjdatoru tastatūras
- Klēpjdatoru ekrāni
- Ekrāna privātuma filtri
- Datori un piederumi
- Kibersports
- Spēļu datori
- Spēļu peles
- Spēļu tastatūras
- Spēļu austiņas
- Spēļu peles paliktņi
- Spēļu mikrofoni
- Straumēšanas tīmekļa kameras
- Spēļu datoru futrāļi
- Spēļu datoru korpusi
- Spēļu maršrutētāji
- Spēļu klēpjdatori
- Spēles
- Spēļu konsoļu piederumi
- Spēļu krēsli
- Spēļu kontrolieri
- Spēļu konsoles
- Virtuālās realitātes brilles
- Spēļu piederumi
- Spēļu riteņi
- Spēļu datorgalds
- Datu nesēji
- Printeri un skeneri
- Perifērijas ierīces un programmatūra
- Portatīvie datori un aksesuāri
Datoru sastāvdaļas, tīkla produkti un serveri
Datoru sastāvdaļas, tīkla produkti un serveri
Televizori, monitori un spēļu konsoles
Televizori, monitori un spēļu konsoles
Telefoni, viedpulksteņi, planšetdatori un e-lasītāji
Telefoni, viedpulksteņi, planšetdatori un e-lasītāji
- Mobilie telefoni un aksesuāri
- Mobilie telefoni
- Pogu telefoni
- GPS izsekotāji un piederumi
- Telefonu vāciņi un maciņi
- Mobilo tālruņu pārsegi
- iPhone maciņi un aizsargstikli
- Aizsargplēves telefoniem
- Jaudas banka (Power Bank)
- Lādētāji un strāvas adapteri
- Uzlādes kabeļi
- Piederumi
- Selfiju statīvi
- Apple adapteri un kabeļi
- Telefona sporta maciņi
- Universālie tālruņu vāciņi un maciņi
- VR brilles viedtālruņiem
- LCD displeji
- Mobilo telefonu akumulatori
- Mobilo telefonu daļas
- Viedpulksteņi, pulksteņi un aksesuāri
- Planšetdatori, grafiskie planšetdatori, E-lasītāji un piederumi
- Planšetdatori
- Grafiskās planšetes
- E-grāmatu lasītāji
- Planšetdatoru maciņi
- Planšetdatora ekrāna aizsargi
- Planšetdatoru irbuļi
- Planšetdatoru piederumi
- Planšetdatora akumulatori
- Planšetdatoru LCD ekrāni
- Planšetinių kompiuterių laikikliai
- Lādētāji un strāvas adapteri
- Jaudas bankas (Power Banks)
- Apple adapteri un kabeļi
- Uzlādes kabeļi
- Mobilie telefoni un aksesuāri
Audio tehnika un mūzikas instrumenti
Audio tehnika un mūzikas instrumenti
Sadzīves tehnika un trauki
Sadzīves tehnika un trauki
- Mazā virtuves tehnika
- Kafijas automāti
- Kafijas dzirnaviņas
- Sulu spiedes
- Tējkannas
- Ūdens filtra krūzes
- Blenderi un mikseri
- Rokas blenderi
- Multivārāmie katli
- Tvaika katli
- Tosteri
- Sviestmaižu tosteri
- Vafeļu un pankūku ceptuves
- Šķēles
- Virtuves svari
- Piena putotāji
- Olu plītis
- Saldējuma un jogurta gatavotāji
- Popkorna un desertu gatavotāji
- Sāls un piparu dzirnaviņas
- Gāzētā ūdens aparāts
- Liela virtuves tehnika
- Virtuves piederumi un piederumi
- Mazā sadzīves tehnika
- Sanitārtehnikas izstrādājumi
- Lielā sadzīves tehnika
- Mazā virtuves tehnika
Skaistums un Veselība
Skaistums un Veselība
Bērnu preces un spēles
Bērnu preces un spēles
- Bērnu izstrādājumi
- Bērnu monitori
- Bērnu preces
- Bērnu somas un skolas somas
- Bērnu rati un aksesuāri
- Gultas un manēžas
- Bērnu velosipēdi un skrejriteņi
- Krūts sūkņi
- Knupji un košļājamās
- Barošanas spilveni
- Pudeļu sildītāji un sterilizatori
- Barošanas krēsli un ēdiena trauki
- Bēbīša vannošana
- Ķengursomas un staiguļi
- Gultas veļa un matrači
- Bērnu podiņi un pakāpieni
- Staigulīši, šūpoles, paklāji
- Zīmoli
- Rotaļlietas
- Automašīnas un auto modeļi
- Pildītas rotaļlietas
- Puzles
- Puzle 3D
- Galda spēles
- Lelles
- Bērnu rotaļlietas
- Āra spēles
- Mūzikas rotaļlietas
- Rotaļlietu figūras
- Celtniecības tehnika
- Koka rotaļlietas
- Rollplay
- Lauksaimniecības tehnika
- Lidojošie transportlīdzekļi
- Radiovadāms
- Modeļi
- Konstruktors
- Rotaļlietu ieroči
- Izglītojošas spēles
- Leļļu aksesuāri
- Kostīmi un maskas
- Instrumentu komplekti
- Trases un garāžas
- Kosmētika un rotaslietas
- Bērnu izstrādājumi
Ofisa piederumi un projektori
Ofisa piederumi un projektori
- Projektori un aksesuāri
- Biroja preces un aprīkojums
- Tālruņi
- IP telefonija VOIP
- Austiņas
- Biroja tehnika
- UPS, nepārtrauktās barošanas bloki
- UPS akumulatori
- Smalcinātāji
- Rokas termināļi
- Laminatori
- Svītrkodu lasītāji
- Svītrkoda skenera piederumi
- Tāfeles un piederumi
- Kalkulatori
- Akumulatori un lādētāji
- Skavotāji
- Papīra griezēji
- Seifi
- Kancelejas preces
- Naudas detektori un skaitītāji
- Videokonferenču aprīkojums
Foto tehnika un novērošanas kameras
Foto tehnika un novērošanas kameras
Mājas un dārza preces
Mājas un dārza preces
Dzīvnieku piederumi
Dzīvnieku piederumi
Sporta preces
Sporta preces
- Sporta piederumi
- Sporta apģērbs
- Sporta uzturs
- Ūdenssports
- Teniss un raketes
- Bokss un MMA
- Futbols
- Hokejs un nūjas
- Beisbola nūjas
- Bumerangi, lidojošie diski un apakštasītes
- Golfs un aksesuāri
- Sporta preces un sporta inventārs
- Piederumi un rezerves daļas velosipēdiem un skrejriteņiem
- Sporta brilles
- Velo ķiveres
- Badmintons
- Velo riepas
- Basketbols
- Velo lukturi un atstarotāji
- Galda teniss
- Velosipēdu sūkņi
- Ziemas sports
- Velo somas un telefona turētāji
- Nūjošanas nūjas
- Sporta inventārs
- Sporta piederumi
Klimata kontroles tehnika
Klimata kontroles tehnika
Kabeļi un adapteri
Kabeļi un adapteri
Instrumenti un piederumi
Instrumenti un piederumi
- Elektroinstrumenti
- Celtniecības instrumenti
- Instrumentu akumulatori un lādētāji
- Elektriskie zāģi un ripzāģi
- Skrūvgrieži un āmururbji
- Slīpēšanas un pulēšanas mašīnas
- Urbji, griezēji un uzgaļi
- Lāzera tālmēri un līmeņi
- Karstā gaisa pūtēji
- Lāpstiņu maisītāji un maisīšanas urbji
- Instrumentu kastes
- Krāsošanas pistoles
- Naglotāji un skavotāji
- Metināšanas iekārtas, lodāmuri
- Līmes pistoles un piederumi
- Ultraskaņas tīrīšanas iekārta
- Īpaši instrumenti
- Liela tehnika
- Elektroinstrumenti
Auto un motociklu preces
Auto un motociklu preces
Tūrisms un vaļasprieki
Tūrisms un vaļasprieki
Pārtikas preces
Pārtikas preces
Apgaismojums un lampas
Apgaismojums un lampas
Ziemassvētku izstrādājumi un rotājumi
Atjaunota elektronika
Pretenziju izskatīšana
1. In the case of products purchased from the Smartech.ee e-store, the time for submitting a claim is at least 2 years from the delivery of the goods to the Consumer. Some products may have an additional warranty from the manufacturer.
2. If Smartech has provided a sales warranty for the device, Smartech will ensure that the defects are rectified in accordance with the terms of the sales warranty.
3. The claim shall be based on the sales invoice for the device and the completed manufacturer's warranty card if required by the manufacturer.
4. The claim does not cover the teaching, adjustment, maintenance, cleaning, restoration of the commercial appearance of the product or the elimination of defects caused by non-compliance with the instructions for use.
5. Smartech.ee does not eliminate deficiencies that have arisen during the right to submit claims free of charge, if it is caused by:
• software errors installed in the device;
• normal wear and tear;
• incorrect use or maintenance (incl. If the device has been repaired or maintained by a person not authorized by the manufacturer);
• damage, replacement or removal of the serial number, control sticker or marking sticker of the device and / or part;
• external factors. External factors include thunderstorms, substandard voltage and voltage fluctuations, humidity, fluid, mechanical damage, etc.
• The product will not operate due to the fault of the owner, as a result of improper operation, non-observance of the operating instructions or if the defects were caused by careless storage, maintenance or overloading of the product.
6. Smartech.ee relies on the expertise performed by the manufacturer's authorized representative to determine liability. If, as a result of the examination, it turns out that the deficiencies are caused by the factors listed above, but the device can be repaired, the Consumer has the opportunity to order a repair for a fee. Equipment with liquid / moisture damage and / or mechanical damage will continue to be repaired only for a fee.
7. An examination fee must be paid for the expert examination performed on the device if Smartech.ee is not responsible for the elimination of the defect that has appeared on the device and the device cannot be repaired. The Consumer must also pay an examination fee if the device is not found to be defective as a result of the examination (diagnostics) and the device meets the technical requirements of the manufacturer.
8. During the claim period, the Consumer has the right to repair the product free of charge. If the product cannot be repaired and the defect is due to the manufacturer's fault, the product will be replaced in accordance with the repair certificate issued to the consumer by an authorized repair company. If repair or replacement of the product is not possible or fails, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract (demand a refund).
9. If the consumer does not agree with the position of Smartech.ee, the consumer must prove that:
• there is a defect (non-compliance with the terms of the contract)
• the defect or its cause existed at the time of delivery of the device;
• Smartech.ee is responsible for the defect.
10. In the event of deficiencies occurring within the first 12 months, the retail client must prove that:
• there is a defect (non-compliance with the terms of the contract);
• Absence or cause within the first 12 months.
11. In order to exercise the right to submit a claim, an e-mail must be sent to our customer service info@smartech.ee
12. In addition to the rights arising from the right to file a claim, the Consumer also has all other rights arising from the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
Smartech Shop OÜ
2. If Smartech has provided a sales warranty for the device, Smartech will ensure that the defects are rectified in accordance with the terms of the sales warranty.
3. The claim shall be based on the sales invoice for the device and the completed manufacturer's warranty card if required by the manufacturer.
4. The claim does not cover the teaching, adjustment, maintenance, cleaning, restoration of the commercial appearance of the product or the elimination of defects caused by non-compliance with the instructions for use.
5. Smartech.ee does not eliminate deficiencies that have arisen during the right to submit claims free of charge, if it is caused by:
• software errors installed in the device;
• normal wear and tear;
• incorrect use or maintenance (incl. If the device has been repaired or maintained by a person not authorized by the manufacturer);
• damage, replacement or removal of the serial number, control sticker or marking sticker of the device and / or part;
• external factors. External factors include thunderstorms, substandard voltage and voltage fluctuations, humidity, fluid, mechanical damage, etc.
• The product will not operate due to the fault of the owner, as a result of improper operation, non-observance of the operating instructions or if the defects were caused by careless storage, maintenance or overloading of the product.
6. Smartech.ee relies on the expertise performed by the manufacturer's authorized representative to determine liability. If, as a result of the examination, it turns out that the deficiencies are caused by the factors listed above, but the device can be repaired, the Consumer has the opportunity to order a repair for a fee. Equipment with liquid / moisture damage and / or mechanical damage will continue to be repaired only for a fee.
7. An examination fee must be paid for the expert examination performed on the device if Smartech.ee is not responsible for the elimination of the defect that has appeared on the device and the device cannot be repaired. The Consumer must also pay an examination fee if the device is not found to be defective as a result of the examination (diagnostics) and the device meets the technical requirements of the manufacturer.
8. During the claim period, the Consumer has the right to repair the product free of charge. If the product cannot be repaired and the defect is due to the manufacturer's fault, the product will be replaced in accordance with the repair certificate issued to the consumer by an authorized repair company. If repair or replacement of the product is not possible or fails, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract (demand a refund).
9. If the consumer does not agree with the position of Smartech.ee, the consumer must prove that:
• there is a defect (non-compliance with the terms of the contract)
• the defect or its cause existed at the time of delivery of the device;
• Smartech.ee is responsible for the defect.
10. In the event of deficiencies occurring within the first 12 months, the retail client must prove that:
• there is a defect (non-compliance with the terms of the contract);
• Absence or cause within the first 12 months.
11. In order to exercise the right to submit a claim, an e-mail must be sent to our customer service info@smartech.ee
12. In addition to the rights arising from the right to file a claim, the Consumer also has all other rights arising from the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
Smartech Shop OÜ