Paw In Hand Brush Needle Comb (black) (Needle comb)

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€ 14.80

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Punkti tip +14

Garantijas periods24 mēneši

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  • omniva 4-8 dienas
  • itella 4-8 dienas
  • dpd 4-8 dienas
  • smartech Kuller 4-8 dienas
  • smartech shop 4-8 dienas

Produkta apraksts

Paw In Hand Needle Comb Pet Brush (black) The Paw In Hand brush allows you to take care of your pet's coat. It has stainless steel needles, which are rounded at the ends - you can use it without worrying about injuring your pet. What's more, it effectively brushes out tangled hair, and the ABS plastic construction and matte non-slip finish translate into comfortable use. Quickly removes hair Forget about the lengthy and labor-intensive removal of hair from the brush. The product is equipped with a dedicated button that makes it easy to get rid of accumulated hair - just press it and toss the combed-out hair into the trash. Manufacturer Paw In Hand Name Pet brush Color black Material ABS, plastic, stainless steel


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(+372) 567 88885 (Pirm-Piekt 09-17)

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